How is periodontitis caused the …

Infection is the key cause of periodontitis. Infection can be secondary to deep caries and other serious tooth defects, and it can also be caused by cementum. Infections travel backwards into the tooth according to the root or accessory root canal orifice. nerves, causing inflammation of the dental pulp. At the same time, blood-derived sensitization can also be caused. The commonly used drugs for disinfection and sterilization of cavities in the treatment of deep caries will irritate the dental nerves and cause pulpitis. When the electric drill is tilted, when part of the temperature exceeds the level that the pulp tissue can bear, the pulp tissue may become inflamed.

Therefore, hypothermia measures must be applied when using the dental drill. dentist in hong kong, it can cause pulpitis.According to the doctor, pulpitis refers to the inflammation of the subacute pulp tissue. The source of infection mainly comes from the deep pulp. The feeling of the tooth nerve can pass through the root hole to cause the root feeling. The key feature of clinical medicine is severe pain, which usually stops. The actual effect of pain medicine is not significant, and it can progress to dental nerve necrosis in the middle and late stages. The treatment includes pulp opening and medicine to relieve pain.Pathogenesis principle: Infection is the key cause of the disease. Infection can be secondary to deep caries and other serious tooth defects, and it can also be caused by cementum. Infection travels in the opposite direction according to the root or accessory root canal orifice. To the dental nerve, the pulp will be inflamed, and at the same time, blood-derived sensitization can also be caused. The commonly used drugs for disinfecting and sterilizing the cavity in the treatment of deep caries will irritate the dental nerve and cause pulpitis. When the electric drill is to be tilted quickly, when some of the temperature exceeds the level that the pulp tissue can bear (0~0℃), the pulp tissue can be inflamed by hematoma. Therefore, hypothermia measures must be applied when using the dental drill. When the tooth is traumatized , can cause pulpitis.Clinical manifestations: Pain is its specific manifestation, mainly manifested as intense unbearable pain, and the characteristics of pain have the following characteristics: spontaneous pain, intermittent aggravation, intermittent onset, in the absence of all external irritants In the lower stage, severe pain occurs in the affected tooth. In the initial stage, the onset time of the pain is shorter, and the relief time is longer. With the development trend of the disease, the pain in the end stage has a long onset time, a short relief period, and even no relief period.

The pain is heavier than during the daytime, especially when lying flat; the initial cold and hot irritation can cause the pain to be aggravated, and the cold irritation at the end not only does not arouse the pain, but temporarily relieves the pain, so there are many clinical medicines. Seeing the patient put cold water in the mouth or inhale the air conditioner to relieve the pain, folk custom often says “tooth pain is not a disease, the pain is really terrible”, which refers to the disease at the end stage of pulpitis (ulceration stage); moreover, the pain cannot be precise Positioning, often along the distribution map of the trigeminal nerve to the upper and lower jaw teeth and adjacent positions in the same direction, the patient can often not emphasize Diagnosis: Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and must be distinguished from the following symptoms:Distinguishing from deep caries: They all have deep caries, but deep caries do not have the spontaneous pain of pulpitis.Distinguishing from papillitis: papillitis may have spontaneous and severe pain, but some gums are red, swollen, tender, and even overflowing with pus, and most of them have a history of gingival recession. However, periodontitis was absent, pulpitis was more sensitive to temperature, and papillitis was not significantly irritating to ambient temperature.Distinguishing from trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal neuralgia generally does not occur at night, and temperature changes do not cause pain, and the pain interval is not easy to increase or decrease significantly with the development trend of the disease.

Auxiliary examination: X-ray film or dental renal canal photography to grasp whether there is the main manifestation of pulpitis.Treatment: The standard of treatment is to store the vital pulp or preserve the affected tooth. Emergency treatment can be done by opening the pulp to relieve pressure. After washing with warm salt water, place analgesic drugs (such as camphorol, eugenol, or toothache water and other small cotton wool) in the cavity. , can temporarily relieve pain, at the same time take anti-swelling, analgesics, after the pain is relieved ~ days, depending on the details of the tooth:pulpotomy;Medullary surgery;Root canal treatment of a tooth or tooth nerve replacement or.For the tooth with no reserved use value, the tooth can be extracted to relieve the patient’s pain and prevent the disease from spreading again.Prevention: To maintain oral health, cultivate the good habit of brushing and gargle sooner or later, and prevent tooth injury and irritation from heat and cold.

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